Category: Vancouver Auto Glass Repair & Replacement

auto glass

How Does Winter Impact Your Auto Glass?

Winter impacts life in many ways. Unless you’re a ski-lover, most people aren’t too excited about the colder weather settling in. Most people prepare for winter by stocking up on snow supplies, pulling out heavy clothes, and preparing the exterior of their homes for the cold. What most people don’t consider is how winter impacts your auto glass. 

Cold weather puts tremendous stress on your windshield, windows, and mirrors. Although most car owners fail to prepare their auto glass for winter, it’s imperative to protect your glass before ice and snowfall. Let’s discuss some ways the colder weather impacts your windows and windshield. 

The Effects of Cold Weather on Auto Glass

Auto Glass Damage
Source: Pexels

Finding effective ways to protect your auto glass during cold weather is vital. You can help maintain your vehicle’s visibility, safety, and structural integrity by protecting your windshield and windows. Most glass is sensitive to temperature changes, causing it to contract and expand when exposed to winter weather. 

As extreme temperature changes set in, the cold can harm your windows, even causing them to crack. Here are some ways to protect your auto glass from the harsh effects of winter. 

1. Be Careful When Clearing Ice from Auto Glass

Of course, when ice covers your windshield, you’ll need to remove it before you drive. Still, it’s crucial to use proper ice removal techniques and tools to protect your glass. Never use a knife, shovel, or sharp object to remove ice. Use a dedicated ice scraper in an up-and-down motion to remove ice from your windshield safely. Avoid stabbing the ice because you can experience cracks, chips, and scratches in your windshield. 

Although it might seem practical, never pour hot water on your windshield. When your windshield is cold and covered with ice, exposure to hot water can create significant damage. Your auto glass will likely crack. 

2. Keep Washer Fluid Full

auto glass snow removal
Source: Pexels

During colder months, you’ll need your washer fluid more than at other times of the year. Windshield washer fluid is an effective way to clear your windshield after you’ve removed the bulk of the ice. It can also thoroughly clean your windshield, giving you optimal visibility when it’s time to hit the road. Giving your windshield a good cleaning with your washer fluid before you drive also allows you to spot any damage that needs to be repaired. 

Before the winter weather sets in, have your windshield wiper fluid topped off. This will help you brush away snow and ice smoothly. You’ll also want to check your wiper blades to ensure they are in good condition. 

3. Watch Where You Park

windshield in winter
Source: Pexels

Falling ice and heavy snow create a significant winter hazard for your auto glass. Park in an area that’s not exposed to potential hazards. Park in a garage to protect your windshield from fallen object damage and keep your glass from freezing. If you don’t have a garage, you may want to invest in a car cover to protect your glass from unnecessary damage. 

4. Repair Cracks and Chips Immediately

One of the most common auto glass issues from winter weather is cracks. Cold weather can expand existing cracks and create new ones. When ice enters existing cracks, it can expand and force your glass apart. If you notice cracks or chips on your windshield, contact a Vancouver auto glass repair company immediately for an inspection. Failing to address these issues right away doesn’t just put you at risk of needing a total windshield replacement, but it’s also a road hazard that puts you and other drivers at risk. 

Protect Your Windshield from Winter Weather with Avenue Auto

Avenue Auto Glass is here to help you prepare your vehicle for winter weather. We use the highest quality materials and the latest technology to ensure you are confident and safe behind the wheel. Our experts can also repair or replace damaged auto glass for all cars. Contact us today to work with the most trusted auto glass replacement company in Vancouver

Windshield Replacement

Windshield Replacement 101: What to Do When a Windshield Cracks While Driving

Traveling to work, running errands, or going on a leisurely ride seems like a regular daily activity. Nothing is worse than your windshield cracking when you’re on the road. Windshields crack for many reasons. If a crack suddenly appears on your windshield, you’ll need to immediately speak with a windshield replacement company. Since cracked windshields are a significant road hazard, let’s discuss the steps to take if your windshield is damaged while driving. 

5 Tips to Help When You Need a Windshield Replacement 

Windshield Replacement Tips
Source: Unsplash

Windshield cracks can be caused by certain objects and their impact on your glass. When flying objects hit your windshield, the glass can break and weaken its structural integrity. The sudden damage should be repaired as quickly as possible because a broken or cracked windshield can be a road hazard that causes accidents. Contact your local Vancouver auto repair and windshield replacement company to discuss your options. 

Here are some steps you can take right away if your windshield is damaged on the road:

1. Don’t Panic

Many drivers initially panic if their windshield is damaged while driving. Of course, this is normal because they fear the glass may shatter into the vehicle. Still, it’s important not to panic and remember that your car windshield differs from regular window glass. 

Car windshields are built of two laminated glass panes and a layer of plastic. This allows your windshield to stay intact as much as possible with impact. While your windshield might shatter under pressure, it won’t break into little pieces and fall onto you and your passenger. The composition of your front glass is why windshield replacement is typically necessary with larger cracks or chips. 

2. Pull Off the Road

Windshield Damage
Source: Unsplash

Severe windshield cracks or breaks can completely hinder your vision while driving. Continuing on the road without proper visibility puts you and others on the road at risk. Be sure to pull over as soon as possible. Turn on your hazard signals, so other cars know there is an emergency. Slowly, pull aside to a safe spot as far off the road as possible. Call your local windshield replacement company to determine your next steps. 

3. Assess the Damage

Inspect your vehicle from the inside to determine the extent of the windshield damage. Even the slightest glass chips can be a concern because they can quickly progress to impact your entire windshield. Be cautious when inspecting your windshield. Avoid touching the glass to prevent injury and avoid putting extra pressure on it. 

4. Take Pictures

Many auto insurance policies come with broken glass coverage. It’s crucial to take as many images as possible to ensure coverage. Unless it’s safe, don’t get out of the car until your professional windshield replacement experts or a tow truck arrive. You can also take a video of the damage for better exposure. Keep the images and videos safe, so you have them when processing any insurance claims. 

5. Get Professional Help

Ultimately, you’ll always need to call an auto repair and windshield replacement company when you damage your windshield. Attempting to repair the windshield by yourself typically doesn’t work unless you have professional experience. To ensure your safety and the safety of others on the road, find an experienced auto repair shop in your area. They will determine whether they can fix the existing glass or you’ll need a complete windshield replacement. 

Contact the Experts at Avenue Auto Glass for Your Windshield Replacement Needs

When disaster strikes, you must act quickly and get the proper assistance. Finding the right auto glass company is essential. If your windshield breaks on the road, our reliable Vancouver windshield replacement company is here to help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get back on the road fast. 

defrosting windshield

Tips for Defrosting Windshield Glass Safely and Quickly

Although we hate to say it, winter is just around the corner. While there are some aspects of winter that we can all enjoy, it’s safe to say that no one enjoys having to clear snow and ice off their car. If you have to avoid unnecessary expenses, you need to ensure windshield defrosting is done right. 

With some extra care and advice, you can clear your windshield in no time and avoid costly damage. Let’s discuss the best way to save time and money by defrosting windshield glass properly. 

4 Tips for Quickly and Safely Defrosting Windshield Glass

defrost your windshield

No matter how quickly you work, there’s no avoiding the bitter cold air when you need to clear snow and ice from your vehicle. If you try to cut corners, you can easily end up with cracked glass. However, these tips can help speed up the process when defrosting windshield glass:

1. Start Your Vehicle and Turn on the Heater

While it might seem obvious, many people attempt defrosting windshield glass without starting up their car. Adding a little warmth to your windshield will help speed things up a bit. Start your engine and turn your heater to defrost on the maximum temperature settings. Airflow should be directed towards your windshield. Even if you’re not driving your vehicle yet, the air should start to warm up in about five minutes and start to melt the ice on your windshield. 

The good thing about taking this step is that you can start your vehicle and then go inside to finish getting ready while defrosting windshield glass. Even better, if you have a remote starter you can turn on your car from the warmth of your home. Whatever you do, don’t add hot water to your windshield. This can cause your glass to crack, requiring costly repairs. 

2. Turn on Your Air Conditioner

This may seem like a ridiculous suggestion, but turning on your AC can help with defrosting your windshield. Running your AC will help remove moisture from the air, preventing the windows from fogging up. Since outside air has less moisture, you can also turn the air recirculation off. Taking this step in defrosting windshield glass can help speed up the process so you can get on the road as soon as the ice is cleared without waiting for the windshield fog to disappear. 

3. Remove Snow 

Winter Windshield Repair

If there is a lot of snow on your windshield, remove it first. Since snow can create a heavy load on your window, you’ll want to gently remove it with a soft brush immediately. Work in sections to get the best results. You should be able to remove most of the snow, revealing the ice layer that covers your windshield. 

4. Carefully Scrape Ice Using Defrosting Windshield Spray

Once you’ve moved down to the ice layer of your windshield, it’s time to put a little muscle into your efforts. The easiest way to physically remove ice is to spray your windshield with a safe defroster spray which you can find online or in an automotive store. Cover the entire glass area then wait a few minutes while the defrosting windshield spray does its magic. You should then be able to use a plastic ice-scraper to gently break the ice and remove patches from your windshield. 

You should never use a metal ice scraper or other objects not created specifically for windshield use. Using anything else may scratch your windshield and damage the glass. Once you’ve completed this final step, you should have a nice, clean view from your front seat. All that is left is to jump in your warm vehicle and carefully drive to your destination. 

Auto Glass Repair

Contact Avenue Glass to Prepare Your Windshield for Cold Weather

Avenue Auto Glass strives to be the team you can turn to for all your windshield and auto glass questions. If you want to prepare for winter in advance, we’re here to help you find the right products and practices to keep your auto glass safe. We are also available to help with all your windshield repairs. Contact our Vancouver windshield repair experts today to discuss your needs. We’ll help you find the best plan for defrosting windshield glass to keep your investment safe. 

Vancouver auto glass

How to Care for Newly Replaced Vancouver Auto Glass

Whether you have a small chip in your windshield or a completely shattered window, replacing your Vancouver auto glass is an investment. You’ve made the initial investment and are happy with your new glass installation results. So, how can you make sure your investment lasts? 

You can’t avoid auto glass damage. Accidents happen, but the more proactive you are in caring for your new auto glass, the longer it will last. Let’s discuss some easy steps to preserve your Vancouver auto glass and keep your vehicle safe. 

Everything You Need to Know About Replacing Your Vancouver Auto Glass 

auto glass repairs Vancouver

When you have new auto glass installed into your vehicle, the composition depends on the placement of the glass. For example, your vehicle’s windshield is made of two pieces of glass held together by a thin layer of resin or plastic. This type of auto glass is stronger and more dependable, protecting you from outdoor elements and keeping you as safe as possible in an auto accident. 

Depending on the placement of your Vancouver auto glass, prices vary significantly. A significant crack in your windshield may require total replacement, while a small chip can typically be repaired with a clear silicone sealant installed by a professional Vancouver auto glass company. Once you replace your auto glass, you need to take care of it. 

Tips for the Best Results with New Glass Installation

auto glass Vancouver

Once you get your new auto glass installed, it’s crucial to take good care of it. This prevents damage and ensures your glass is safe and dependable to protect you on the road. Here are some tips for caring for your new Vancouver auto glass:

  • Wait to drive your vehicle. A reliable Vancouver auto glass repair shop will keep your car ready to drive safely. Auto glass installation uses an adhesive to hold the glass in place, creating a solid waterproof seal around your glass. We recommend waiting to drive your car for one hour to ensure the best results. 
  • Don’t use your windshield wipers for at least 24 hours after replacing the windshield glass. This gives the adhesive on the backside of your glass time to cure before being disturbed by the motion of your wiper blades. Of course, if it’s raining, using your windshield wipers is vital for your safety on the road. Check the weather before using your vehicle. If you expect rain, find an alternative means of transportation. 
  • Avoid using chemicals until all surfaces have been cured. Once cured, use soap and warm water for the first cleaning. This can remove extra adhesive particles and loosen the fasteners that keep your Vancouver auto glass intact. Don’t attempt to clean off adhesive residue with harsh chemicals or power washers. 
  • For the first day or two after installation, don’t place any type of cover on the exterior of your vehicle. You should also avoid interior sunshades and keep your dashboard clutter-free. 
  • Since air pressure can put extra stress on the seal around your windshield and windows, leave one of your windows rolled down at least an inch. This will ensure your Vancouver auto glass dries and keep interior air pressure from causing leaks. 
  • Auto glass technicians sometimes use retention tape to hold glass moldings in place. It doesn’t look attractive, but it serves an important purpose. Keep the tape in place for the first day or two after your new class is installed. 

Looking for Auto Glass Repairs and Replacements? Contact Our Experts at Avenue Auto Glass for the Best Results!

broken windshield Vancouver

Maintaining your newly replaced auto glass doesn’t require a ton of work. Still, you need to give it a little extra attention to ensure the best results. Extend the life of your auto glass and avoid expensive repairs with our affordable, reliable Vancouver auto glass work. Contact us today to discuss your options and schedule an appointment. 

Windshield Repair

Windshield Repair News: Developments in Windshield Technology

As with most business industries, technology constantly drives the windshield repair and automotive industry forward. Car design and manufacturing processes look for new and innovative ways to bring advanced features to car models. These new developments help keep brands competitive as the automotive industry grows and changes. 

As a leader in windshield repair, we’ve seen many changes in auto glass throughout the years. Let’s look at some of the leading developments in windshield technology for 2022.  

4 Advanced in Windshield Glass and Repairs in 2022

Over the past several years, windshields have changed significantly from the plain glass used in the past. Here are four significant advances we’ve seen as one of the top Vancouver windshield repair companies:

1. Panoramic Windshields

Windshield Upgrades

Brought into the auto industry by Tesla’s CEO, Elon Musk, panoramic windshields hit the market with the Tesla Model X. Considered the largest all-glass windshield available today, this auto glass spans 31 square feet of surface area. One of the advantages of these windshields is that they stretch over the driver and passenger, beyond the standard roofline, to add visibility to your vehicle. They also add significant natural light to your car. While Tesla is currently the only make of vehicle using the panoramic windshield, we can expect to see these emerge with more brands as the years go on. Although windshield repair is more costly with the added square footage, the benefits of these panoramic windshields seem to outweigh any expenses. 

2. Smart Car Glass

Just as you can take advantage of innovative technology features in your home, we’re starting to see smart car glass hit the market. Electrochromic glass is emerging with some of the leading luxury sports car manufacturers. It enables the driver to limit the amount of sunlight coming into the vehicle, increasing visibility and comfort. From a windshield repair perspective, changing the amount of light decreases glare and improves road safety. You can also reduce energy consumption, limiting air conditioning usage. 

3. Heated Front Windshields

Heated Windshields

Many brands have adapted this feature, with heated front windshields being an excellent option for environments with cold winters. Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar, and Land Rover are all offering heated front windshields. Some advantages are their ability to defog and defrost faster than standard windshields. Due to wiring sandwiched within these windshields, windshield repair is more expensive and complicated. However, the advantages are well worth the costs. 

4. Wiper-Free Windshields

While this concept is still in the works, some luxury vehicles are working on offering windshields that don’t need wipers to clear rain and snow. These use an ultrasonic force that causes moisture to slide off the glass. Since they apply sound waves to the surface of the glass, you can expect windshield repair to be more complicated than with traditional auto glass. 

Contact Avenue Auto Glass for Help with Your Windshield Repairs and Upgrades

Whether looking for windshield repairs or the latest industry upgrades, Avenue Auto Glass offers a higher level of service for your needs. We stay on top of the latest industry advances and trends to ensure you get the highest level of service with your auto glass work. Contact our Vancouver windshield repair experts today to discuss your options and schedule an appointment.

windshield repair

Windshield Repair 102: 4 Ways Your Windshield Contributes to Vehicle Safety

Did you know that the condition of your windshield is directly connected to vehicle safety? Yes, your windshield does more than keep debris and rain away from you and your passengers. It’s one of the primary safety features of your vehicle. That’s why staying on top of windshield repair is crucial to your safety and the safety of other drivers on the road. 

As part of our commitment to our Vancouver windshield repair clients, we’re bringing you part two of our windshield repair series. This informative article will discuss the importance of maintaining a crack and chip-free windshield. 

Why Is Speedy Windshield Repair Crucial for Vehicle Safety? 

A windshield that is intact and working as expected could save your life one day. Here are four ways your windshield contributes to vehicle safety:

1. It Reinforces Your Vehicle’s Structure

vehicle safety

Modern windshields are made differently than the rest of your vehicle’s glass. Thanks to industry advances, today’s windshields are stronger and more flexible than they were years ago. They contain a thin layer of strong, clear resin. This polyvinyl butyral layer is laminated between two sheets of glass, preventing cracks and chips on one side from reaching the other. 

PVB lamination also allows your windshield to absorb a significant amount of force if you crash. Your windshield can absorb 45% of the impact of a head-on collision and up to 60% of the impact of a rollover. Windshield repair is crucial in these instances because this damage can impact your vehicle’s structural integrity. Without a strong windshield and quality windshield repair, when there’s a problem, your car can be at risk of collapsing in a crash. 

2. It Keeps Passengers Inside

While this might seem like an obvious point, one of the safety features of your vehicle’s windshield is that it keeps passengers secure inside your car. Many collision fatalities occur when passengers are ejected from a vehicle. Cars and trucks are designed, so the safest place to be during an accident is inside the cabin. Your windshield serves as a barrier that keeps your passengers inside the cabin when a crash occurs. That’s why your windshield is vital to your vehicle’s safety, and proactive windshield repair is also critical to your passengers’ safety. 

3. Windshield Work with Your Airbags to Keep You Safe

windshield damage 

Your windshield also helps your airbags work correctly. As part of your vehicle’s overall safety system, you need all these components working together at the moment of impact to ensure you have the best chance of survival. When your vehicle is in a crash, the airbags are deployed. They bounce off the windshield at a precise angle to cushion you and your passengers. If your windshield is damaged or improperly installed, your airbags may not give you the protection you need to save your life. That’s why it’s essential to schedule a windshield repair appointment immediately if you think there’s a problem. 

4. It Gives the Driver a Clear Visual

windshield replacement

Windshields allow you to see the road clearly when you’re driving, whether day or night. Cracks, chips, or scratches can seriously impact your vision and increase your risk of an accident. Visual impairment can be even worse with poor weather conditions. Your wiper blades won’t work well, and your vision can be significantly impacted. If you have any type of blemish on your windshield, you need to immediately take your vehicle to an auto repair shop specializing in windshield repair. This will ensure you have no visual disturbances that create a hazard on the road. 

Contact Avenue Auto Glass for Your Windshield Repair Needs

Avenue Auto Glass strives to bring you a higher level of service for your auto glass damage needs. When it comes to your windshield repair services, you need an auto repair shop with experience in vehicle glass repair and replacement. Contact our Vancouver windshield repair experts today to schedule an appointment and ensure your vehicle’s safety when you hit the open road.

Auto Glass Replacement Vancouver

Windshield Improves Fuel Efficiency

The windshield is an integral part of a vehicle designed to filter dust, harmful rays, dirt particles, and raindrops from entering into the vehicle. More importantly, the windshield holds the frame of the vehicle, so it doesn’t fall apart under impact. Today, the windshield has seen some advancements in modern technology; as such, it is playing some roles. One of such roles is improved fuel efficiency.

The windshields designed today are made with AIS solar glass which is a specialized glass with enhanced heat absorption abilities. The glass keeps the inner temperature of the vehicle cool and stable by sucking up the unwanted heat in the vehicle. Also, the glass keeps the interior temperature warm or cool enough according to the weather condition at a given time thus keeping the AC requirement to the barest minimum and improving fuel efficiency to significant levels.

While driving on the highway, most car owners or drivers have two major concern which defines the action they take on the road. One is the safety of the passenger and other road users considering that they value their lives and that of others. Another factor that is a major concern to road users is fuel consumption. At the rate by which some cars consume fuel, it’s safe to consider fuel efficiency. Fuel efficiency is the concern of most car owners; even at the point of purchase, some people put the fuel efficiency of a car into account before buying it. Thanks to the windshield designed today, both fuel efficiency and the safety of the occupants in the car is greatly improved.

Laminated glass is also one of the materials used to make windshield. Laminated glass which is a safety glass holds the windshield together in case of breakage. Laminated glass is produced by creating an ethylene-vinyl acetate or polyvinyl butyral between the glass layers. More importantly, laminated glass helps to boost the fuel efficiency of a vehicle. The air cooling system of a car consumes a considerable amount of fuel; laminated glass works by reducing the heat produced by the vehicle thus reducing the load resting on the cooling system. Researches and tests have shown that laminated glass used in the place of standard glass helps to reduce the inner temperature of vehicles by 6-7 degrees. As a car owner, you can coat a laminated windshield glass with infrared so you can park your car outside under any condition be it in the cold or hot weather. Laminated glass reduces the workload on the vehicle’s air conditioner thus improving fuel efficiency.

Furthermore, the lightweight of the laminated glass is another factor that helps to improve fuel efficiency. It’s no surprise that car owners are now demanding for lightweight products considering that they boost the performance of vehicles.

For every 0.5mm reduction in thickness of a windshield, there is a reduction of 3kg per square meter in weight. So it’s safe to conclude that laminated glass improves fuel efficiency and also reduces the weight of the windshield.

ICBC Claims (licensed shops)

In February 2017, ICBC began offering free windshield repair for policyholders that have the optional comprehensive coverage. ICBC says this is a cost-effective alternative to windshield replacement and will be the first choice of the corporation when it is safe to do so. A windshield chip repair costs about $70 compared to more than $800 for a new one.

In 2016, ICBC handled over 109,000 claims for broken or damaged windshields. The repair option will reduce that number by 10% or more. Todd Stone, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, says that this change to the policy will benefit more than 2.5 million people by saving ICBC approximately $7 million per year in replacement costs. In addition, more than 8000 windshields will be diverted from landfills and remain in use, sometimes for the life of the vehicle.

In rural areas where glass replacement services are more time-consuming and require special order parts, repair rather than replacement is the preferred choice. The number of gravel roads, which cause more rock chips, in rural areas sometimes outnumber paved roads. Donna Barnett, the Minister of State for Rural Economic Development says, “Moving toward windshield repair rather than a full replacement – when possible – is something that will hugely benefit residents in my community and more rural parts of B.C. Not only will it make dealing with a chipped windshield more convenient, but it will contribute toward lowering the pressures on insurance rates, which is a win-win.”

Vehicle glass repair shops licensed by ICBC, including Avenue Auto Glass, have technicians with the required training and experience to repair many different types of windshield chips, cracks, and impact points like the “star-break” or “half-moon” indent that is common. The next time you have a chip, crack, ding, or break, call us to have it fixed right away and, if you’re an ICBC comprehensive policyholder, remember that the repair is always free of charge.

Don’t take chances with your safety in the car, and that includes not taking chances with your car’s windshield damage. Bring it in for a repair as soon as you need it, and let us make sure that your windshield keeps you safe and secure inside your car for years to come. Contact the windshield and auto glass experts here at Avenue Auto Glass by phone at 604-765-1790, or visit us at 636 Clark Drive, Vancouver BC V5L 3H8.

Vancouver Chip Repair

Why We Always Try to Repair Your Existing Windshield Before Replacing It With A New One

It happens to the best of us. Whether it’s because you had a minor accident, or if you got a chip on your windshield from a small pebble that flew onto it from the road, you suddenly find yourself with a broken, chipped, cracked, or scratched windshield. Now that you’ve got the damage, it’s time to get the damage fixed. Some people may be inclined to always and invariably just replace the whole windshield with a new one, but we at Avenue Auto Glass know that it’s always better to try and repair your existing one first. We can assess the situation and repair your windshield quickly and conveniently, which will save you time, money, and stress both now and in the long run.

Why it’s important to fix it sooner rather than later

The most important factor in whether or not we can repair your windshield is how bad the damage is. A small scratch, chip, or even a small crack (usually less than 10 inches) can still be repaired. But once the damage spreads beyond a certain point, it becomes substantially more difficult (and therefore more time-consuming and expensive) to fix it properly. It’s also very dangerous to drive with any damage that could obstruct your line of sight; dirt and debris that collect inside of a scratch or crack’s grooves just add to this problem. That’s why it’s so important to bring in your car as soon as you notice something has happened, no matter how small it looks, because that small nick can turn into a huge deal with a single bump, vibration, or even a significant temperature change.

Repairs save materials and costs

So you brought in your vehicle early enough to get that small chip, scratch, or crack fixed – great! We’re happy to save you time and money by repairing it rather than replacing it. Instead of giving you all new materials in a brand new windshield, we simply take out our windshield repair kits and inject liquid resin into the damaged area, thereby salvaging what’s still good about the rest of the windshield. After applying some UV and cleaning up any excess resin, the liquid hardens and your windshield is as good as new. Repairing and not replacing your windshield saves us labor and the cost of parts, which we then pass on to you. Many insurance companies will also favor repairs rather than replacements, and pass those savings your way. Finally, let’s not forget that avoiding a windshield replacement also in turn saves the environment some damage because it’s one less broken windshield thrown into a landfill.

Keep the original factory seal

The original factory seal of your windshield ensures an airtight fit; although having the work done by a qualified professional like the ones at Avenue Auto Glass gives you the best chance for a flawless finish, it is always optimal to keep the original factory seal. Your original factory seal keeps fog and condensation from creeping in and hindering your ability to see the road, so it’s important to try to maintain it. This also, again, saves you labor costs, and guarantees that your repaired windshield is in good working order.

The bottom line

Don’t take chances with your safety in the car, and that includes not taking chances with your car’s windshield damage. Bring it in for a repair as soon as you need it, and let us make sure that your windshield keeps you safe and secure inside your car for years to come. Contact the windshield and auto glass experts here at Avenue Auto Glass by phone at 604-765-1790, or visit us at 636 Clark Drive, Vancouver BC V5L 3H8.

Care for Your Windshield in the Winter!

Winter has officially arrived in Vancouver. Although we in B.C.’s Lower Mainland are not known for the harsh winters that the rest of Canada experiences, we can still get our share of cold weather, ice, and snow. Many of us do our best to prepare our vehicles for this by investing in snow tires and antifreeze; but what about your windshield? Don’t neglect one of the most important parts of your car! Care for your windshield in the wintertime by following these easy guidelines, and help keep driving in the ice and snow as safe and comfortable as possible.

Keep your windshield clean

Although you should be keeping your windshield clean all year round, some people are afraid to use their windshield washer fluid in the wintertime; don’t be afraid to use it liberally! Just make sure that your washer fluid has anti-fog or anti-freeze properties so that it can keep your windshield clear. This also means that using plain water as windshield washer fluid is a bad idea, as it will freeze and just add to the poor visibility that ice and snow bring with them.

Dirt and dust on your windshield are neither safe for driving nor are they good for the long-term life of your windshield, as they can lead to scratches if stuck on and not attended to promptly. It also pays to keep your windshield clean because scratches and chips on a clean glass surface will be much easier to see than on a dirty one, and so you’ll be able to bring your chipped windshield in for a small repair before it spreads into a much larger – and more expensive – windshield repair job.

Change your wipers regularly

Regardless of the weather outside, windshield wipers eventually age and become less effective because the rubber starts to degrade. Making sure that your windshield wipers are working well will pay big dividends in keeping scratches off of your windshield. In addition, there are special winter wiper blades that are made specifically for clearing ice and snow. If you park your car outside or spend a lot of time driving when it snows, it may be worth it to look into having these special winter wiper blades installed.

Get a real scraper to clean ice from your windshield

Although it may seem like investing in a real scraper isn’t worth it considering that we get much more rain than snow here, don’t be fooled by false economy. Using makeshift scrapers (like metal spatulas) will not only not do the job well, but will almost definitely lead to windshield scratches and other problems if handled badly. Using a proper plastic scraper with a snow brush will be a much wiser decision, both in the short- and long term.

Avoid Sudden Temperature Changes

Using boiling water or some other high heat source to melt the snow or ice off of your windshield is a terrible idea because the sudden temperature change could lead to your windshield cracking. You should instead aim to slowly raise the temperature by using your car’s defroster or heater, if possible.

Get cracks and chips repaired immediately

That being said, sudden temperature changes can be inevitable as you take your car out of a garage or underground parking lot. That change can be enough to make small cracks and chips spread into an ugly and expensive mess. Be proactive and take care of these small jobs while you still can; contact the windshield and auto glass experts here at Avenue Auto Glass by phone at 604-765-1790, or visit us at 636 Clark Drive, Vancouver BC V5L 3H8.